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In what Apex Legends game modes do you coach?

Are you proficient in coaching for all of Apex Legends' game modes, including Ranked, Arenas, etc.?
about 1 year ago6 answers
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I have extensive experience in coaching for all of Apex Legends' game modes, including Ranked, Arenas, and more. My expertise is not limited to a specific mode; I am well-versed in all the modes. While I personally excel in Ranked gameplay due to my extensive experience, my coaching abilities extend to all modes. Whether it's providing guidance on Ranked matches, offering tips for Arenas, or assisting with other game modes, I am well-equipped to coach players across various aspects of Apex Legends.
Image uploaded by FZ for the question: In what Apex Legends game modes do you coach?
11 months ago 1 upvotes
I am extremely proficient in all game modes within Apex Legends. I can provide help with your ranked gameplay, retaining Masters/Apex Predator 30+ times throughout my career. I also have solo queued to Masters multiple times in Arenas, and made top 3 in seasonal kills more than once for kill grinding. More recently, I have been playing in tournaments and scrims 3/4x a week, so regardless of what mode you may need help with, I will have past/current experience in anything you need.
Image uploaded by RELLAX for the question: In what Apex Legends game modes do you coach?
11 months ago 1 upvotes
I coach all game modes. Again if the client requests ranked play, i will run through a few ranked games with them to help them climb the ranks. Some people like to play apex more causally so teaching them how to take fights in public matches or in mixtape is an option i also provide.
11 months ago 1 upvotes
I coach all game modes, but focus on Battle Royale specifically. Ranked and Battle Royale are what I focus on the most since that is the hardest game mode, although I do review mixtape games to help with personal positioning in 1 on 1 combat and gun skill.
11 months ago 1 upvotes
My coaching category is Coach in Ranked, So I am mainly doing coaching in Ranked mode. but sometimes I do on casual mode if client (student) ask.
11 months ago 1 upvotes
I coach in all game modes this include public games (public matches / ranked), mixtape, and private matches like local tournaments, etc.
11 months ago 1 upvotes