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What do you think separates amateur players from professionals in Valorant?

n your opinion, what separates amateur players from professional Valorant players? What skills, habits, or mindset differences do you see between these two groups?
about 1 year ago6 answers
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Attention to detail, playing robotic and autopiloting! For example, while looking at minimap, you can see your ally vision cones, now you suddenly see that vision cone is being cut by a circle shape shadow. You can immediately tell that there is a smoke blocking your ally’s vision! Now these can be avoided with communication from your ally, but let’s be honest, not everyone gives callouts in competitive games.

The other thing is mentality and composure. One of the many reasons that the 9-3 curse exists, is because people lose their composure and mental after losing a few rounds in a row! Every round in VALORANT is like a new game, so play it that way, don’t let previous rounds affect you and make you become low energy. Only take previous rounds in a positive way, see why you lost a round, and how you can do better to ensure a win!
11 months ago 1 upvotes
High professional gameplay is a whole different story than average player’s. If we talk about VCT stage professionals, then it’s even more different. The strategies they use are super rare to see in normal games, and even if you see them, they wouldn’t work the same. That’s because of their super discipline and really good teamwork. Even in high elo ranks there will be people that don’t talk and give info, which never happens in pro-play. Bad mindset doesn’t exist there basically. It’s not over until the game is finished completly, the game score doesn’t mean anything. Meanwhile in lower ranks people get mad after they lose a few rounds in a row and then they’re ready to forfeit, which is obviously not good, because that affects the whole team mood, which can affect someone to play even worse.
11 months ago 1 upvotes
In my view, the key distinction lies in the unwavering focus on success that professional players exhibit. For them, every aspect of gameplay, training, and preparation is geared toward achieving excellence. In contrast, amateur players may have varying levels of commitment and dedication. Professionals prioritize relentless practice, adaptability, teamwork, and a strong work ethic, while some amateurs might not share the same intense drive. This difference in mindset and dedication often defines the divide between the two groups in the competitive world of Valorant.
11 months ago 1 upvotes
Their dedication to the game, consistency, and how much they are willing to sacrifice to improve. To become a pro you’ll be competing against players who tryhard the game in every single aspect of it, things you never even thought about, sometimes. They practice way more, not only aim as some people think, but also movement, self-coaching and lots and lots of grinding. Playing scrims is also very important since on Solo Queue the game is less serious, there is less cooperation and individual skill makes more difference (Which I love!)
11 months ago 1 upvotes
Definitely dedication. Any person can become semi professional, it’s all about how much work you put into it. Hard work really pays off from my experience, I have coached few average players that later became semi professional.
11 months ago 1 upvotes
Definitely dedication. Any person can become semi professional, it’s all about how much work you put into it. Hard work really pays off from my experience, I have coached few average players that later became semi professional.
8 months ago 1 upvotes